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Why Did No One Tell Drivers About This Genius Rule?

5/15/2018Written by: Richard Miller
Department of motor vehicles

- Recent articles indicate that only 5% of drivers pay less than $50 a month for car insurance – but ImproveInsurance™ is changing that.

Did you know that you could get an extremely huge discount on car insurance if you drive less than 50 miles per day and live in a qualified zip code?

Also, if you don't have any DUI's or tickets in the past 2 years and depending on your age, you can get even bigger discounts. But has your insurance company told you this?

When drivers visit the ImproveInsurance™ official site, the results can be extremely shocking. Many drivers are reporting that it‘s possible to save up to 70% on their car insurance while many found rates low as $9/week.

So, what exactly is the "One Simple Rule" you need to follow?

Don't even think about getting insurance without first comparing discounted quotes from an unbiased source. So this begs the question - are you being overcharged by your insurance agent? After all the results we came across, we just couldn’t believe how many drivers have been overpaying.

Proof of insurance rate improvement Proof of insurance rate improvement

*Numbers are not necessarily typical and rates may vary

Since drivers end up saving up to 70% on their insurance, it’s no wonder services such as these are growing rapidly. is one of the most reliable, trusted, and highly effective tools to provide drivers with low rates. Over 1,000,000 U.S. drivers have already used services like ImproveInsurance™.

Want To See How Much You Can Save? Here’s How You Do It:

Step 1: Tap your age below to match additional discounts.

Step 2: Once you enter your zip code and enter your driving info, you will be able to see all of the discounted quotes from all of the top carriers! It's really that easy!

Check My Rate For Free